The wasted series depicts the toll that the epidemic of gun violence has taken on Americans in the past 15 years. Each burned hole is a death by gun. Red crosses represent homicides, black X’s suicides and holes left bare are accidents or of unknown intent. The holes stitched over in red and black are deaths by police intervention.
wasted - 2010
graphite, scraping, beeswax, pyrography, thread on waxed handmade Nepalese paper
each panel 68" x 39”
In wasted, burned holes represent the number of children killed by guns in the years 2003 (left), 2004 (center) and 2005 (right).
wasted (ii) - 2011-2012
graphite, scraping, beeswax, pyrography, thread on handmade Nepalese paper
each panel 68" x 39"
wasted (ii) depicts the number of adults killed by guns in the years 2003 (left), 2004 (center) and 2005 (right).
wasted (iii) - 2014
graphite, scraping, beeswax, pyrography, thread on handmade Nepalese paper
each panel 68" x 39"
wasted (iii) continues the conversation about gun violence in America, revealing that nothing has changed in ten years. Burned holes represent the yearly average of adults and children killed by guns from 2009-2013.
wasted - detail
wasted(ii) - detail
wasted(iii) - detail
wasted - detail
wasted(ii) - detail
wasted(iii) - detail